Our Mission

The Office of the Armed Forces and Chaplaincy (OAFC)

The Office of the Armed Forces and Chaplaincy® under the oversight of the Bishop and embracing the ICCEC vision, partners with other CEC Departments to support, assess, and provide endorsements and care of chaplains serving in the U.S. military, civilian VA / DOD, and their families. We seek to:

• Endorse CEC priests called to the chaplaincy ministry for the proclamation of the gospel

• To embrace our chaplains and their families in prayer and pastoral care

• To assist parishes with the discovery, development, and deployment of chaplaincy ministry

• To enhance the ministry of our chaplains through continuing education

• To assist our churches in their ministry to CEC priests’ chaplains and their families, including transitions in ministry

• To engage our pastors and denominational leaders on an intentional strategy in support of our chaplains and our military families

• To enlist our chaplains for local parish involvement and ministries

• To assist chaplains to transition into CEC parishes or become church planters within our Communion

• To become spiritual formation mentors for other priests seeking to become chaplains

• To assist struggling parishes as supply priests or area support missionaries

• To become professors for CEC seminaries

• To assist the Chaplains as itinerate evangelists

The bishop’s mitre symbolizes the glory of the Lord which remains always with the Parish and with the bishop. The front and back of the mitre represent the Old and New Testament, while the lappets represent the ‘spirt and letter’ of the Word of God. The Chi-Rho symbol, one of the earliest known monograms representing Christ (first two letters of Christ in Greek) and this is all at the center of the crest reminding us that the ministry we do is centered in Christ. The lappets have Alpha and Omega letters, the appellation of Christ from Revelation that he is the beginning and the end. The outer band of the crest is to remind Chaplains that everything we do is encompassed by the creator of the universe and author of our salvation.

The top of the shield embraces the primary colors Red, White and Blue to remind us of our nation’s colors. The flag of St. George represents Christianity and the Christian participation in the Crusades. At many times our Nation has come to the aid of other Nations who call upon us for help for those who are being persecuted.

The Dove signifies the Holy Spirit and His works in the parish, the clergy, and the human soul, especially the power to free evil from the flesh and heal those in need.

The horizontal flag with the cross keys symbolizes yellow for light and white for purity while the cross keys represent the crucifixion, and the keys Jesus gave to Peter empowering him to binding actions in leading the parish.

The Dove, Chalice, and Bible: the dove connects to Jesus’ baptism and with the creation story as the spirit moved upon the waters, hence its place above the chalice. The chalice is a sign representing the Incarnation and our worship and esteem for the Real Presence. The Bible is the Word of God, written about God, for the people of God and his relationship to the parish.

The symbol “The Lamb of God” means God gave Jesus to be a perfect and ultimate sacrifice for the atonement of our sins that we may have eternal life. (John 1:29, Romans 8:1-4). As Christian Soldiers we are living epistles of the Lord. As chaplains we know war is carnal, yet we must remind our men and women of our duty when serving in the military and we must try to keep a balance between our Nations leadership directing us at war, and our duties to God that the only true enemy of the soul is Satan. Let us remember the men of past who were Soldiers and yet men of God: Abraham, who fought the four kings; Joshua, who served the Lord; David, who killed Goliath and then led his armies in war and who then received from God one of the greatest promises ever given to man; and those who in the eleventh chapter of Hebrews are described as having through faith in God subdued kingdoms, waxed valiant in fight, and turned to flight armies of the aliens. Lastly, after years of serving in military that David, soldier that he was, yet would not kill his worst enemy, Saul, when he had him at a disadvantage and helpless.

The Oil Lamp is a symbol of purity and the influence of the Holy Spirit which lights the way before the saints. Second, it is a picture of the anointing of the Holy Spirit. In the parable of the oil, we cannot lend ourselves to anything unworthy. We are to be diligent in prayer. God knows our heart and we must strive to be a light into the world of darkness.

The banner at the bottom with the Words “Non-Nobis Domine” meaning “Not unto us, O Lord, not unto us, but to thy name give the glory” is a Latin prayer expressing thanksgiving and humility (Psalm 113:9). Chaplains are to be Christ in every situation that He might be given all the glory in our purpose, our call, our mission, and our ministry as Chaplains.