Chaplaincy in the Charismatic Episcopal Church in North America

What Makes the CEC-NA Chaplaincy Unique?

We provide an “Acts 2” picture of the first one thousand years of the Christian faith. Many who attend a CEC church state that they feel a unity of spirit, connected to the body of Christ through Word and Sacrament, and everything the Christian church should be in its faith and worship. One seeker’s testimony stated her feeling this way:

“The CEC church is where one does not have to be less Catholic, and another does not have to be less Evangelical. It is a church where one can come to love Jesus, and I have come to love his sacraments; a church where the gifts of the spirit are free to guide us in service and worship; a church where we join Christ’s church and follow Him together.”

People seek “Unity” of body, soul, and spirit to worship Christ. Who cares what tribe you are from?! The laity are tired of division, doctrinal discord, and church conflict. The unity of the church is vital for our endurance. We are not meant to live the Christian life in isolation.

Unity is vital for our witness. Jesus authorized the unbelieving world to judge whether the Father sent Him into the world based on the church’s visible unity (John 17:21).

But how do we know when we are called to fight for the unity of the church and when we are called to fight for the faith “once for all delivered to the saints?” Because we, the church, are the display of God’s glory and wisdom (Ephesians 3:10), we must fight to maintain Christian unity (Ephesians 4:1-3).

But this call for unity is based on the one gospel that reveals the Triune God (Ephesians 4:4-6): the one Spirit who has called us out of death into life (Ephesians 2:1-10), the one Lord who has reconciled us to God and one another through his blood, making the one body (Ephesians 2:11-22), and the one Father who planned our salvation from the foundation of the world (Ephesians 1:3-14).

If we are to maintain the unity the Spirit has given us during times of conflict, we must cultivate the same qualities found in our Lord Jesus.

In Ephesians 4:2-3, Paul highlights five of these qualities that are necessary to maintain the church’s unity. He refers to humility, gentleness, patience, love, and zeal. The statement has been made: “In essentials unity, In non-essentials Liberty, and In all Things Charity.” The chaplain is called to possess these fruits of the spirit to be an ambassador for Christ’s church and ministry to the least, the lost, and the lonely.

CEC Areas of Opportunity for Chaplaincy

CEC-NA endorsed Chaplains are Priests sent forth from the local parish to serve as an extension of Christ’s ministry to all people. Clergy and Commissioned Ministers continue to serve in their dioceses and parishes. Still, the Office is charged with maintaining the chaplaincy educational requirements and endorsement standards for those seeking to work outside the parish. The employing institutions normally establish the minimum requirements for their chaplains. Some organizations have strict educational and training requirements, while others may appoint a dedicated employee with little or no formal theological training to the “extra” duty of serving as the chaplain for their organization. In all situations, the chaplain is expected to perform in a professional and dedicated manner. Areas of Chaplaincy occur in a wide variety of specialized settings. Presently, the CEC endorses chaplains to the following categories: community services, corporate, correctional, disaster relief, healthcare, military, pastoral counselors, and public safety.

Community Services

Community Service Chaplains provide Christian ministry outside the walls of the parish but under the supervision of the local parish, often in collaboration with volunteer agencies, in support of individuals, families, businesses, corporations, schools, and groups in the local community.


These chaplains often provide ministry in industrial settings, manufacturing sites, business offices, corporate headquarters, and community settings. The chaplains may be hired by a particular corporation or business to work as employees of that organization or on a contractual basis. Marketplace Chaplains and Corporate Chaplains of America are two agencies that place chaplains in corporate settings on a contractual agreement.


Chaplains for incarcerated persons are involved in prisons and jails at all levels of the government (federal, state, county, and city) and with private corrections companies. Institutional chaplains serve in both adult and juvenile facilities.


While hospital and hospice settings are the usual places for healthcare chaplaincy, CEC chaplains also have chaplains serving with mental health facilities, special needs programs, nursing homes, and the Department of Veterans Affairs. This area of service also includes an endorsement for Clinical Pastoral Education residency students.


The United States Army, Navy, and Air Force have a corps of chaplains who provide chaplaincy ministry. These chaplains/staff officers serve on active duty or in a capacity as a Reserve or Guard chaplain. Military chaplains also include the volunteer chaplains of the Civil Air Patrol, the Air Force Auxiliary Service, and the Auxiliary Clergy Support of the Coast Guard. Also, each state has an organized State National Guard with an associated chaplaincy service. Additionally, some states may have a militia or State Defense Force.

Pastoral Counselors

The CEC Chaplaincy supports the endorsement of pastoral counselors when required by the institution or certifying organization. We do not provide certification or licensing for pastoral counselors.

Public Safety

Law enforcement and fire departments have chaplains who serve the members of the department as well as the people of the community. The CEC provides advice and counsel to those seeking this ministry.